
Are you looking at improving your posture? Do you spend a lot of time sitting/driving? Is your body a vital component to your job, or do you complete repetitive manual tasks? 

If you experience the following symptoms, talk to our experienced Chiropractors at Byron Bay Chiropractic Centre! 

Are you experiencing any of the following:

  • Slouched shoulders

  • One-shoulder that sits higher than the other

  • A stiff neck, spine, or legs

  • Poor energy levels

  • Chronically stiff shoulders or back muscles

  • Forward head posture 

“Sit up, keep your back straight and shoulders back!”

We have all heard this advice before.

Good posture does not only look appealing and make you feel more confident; good posture has been linked to improved cognitive function, increased longevity, improved energy levels, and of course the alleviation and prevention of pain.

If your posture is not the best, then chances are your spine is not correctly aligned.

What is Posture?

Posture is a position that our body assumes as a whole. Our muscles, ligaments, fascia, and bones are designed as a support system to keep us upright and moving well. In an ideal upright posture, the body is aligned so that the torque, tension and stressors are minimised between all of these parts. 

Standing should be a position of minimum energy expenditure. We see poor posture in clinic every day, especially forward head posture, which can cause a lot of pain and damage if left untreated.

Poor Posture:

Chronic poor posture leads to spine and nerve damage, and so by focusing on aligning the spine correctly, your chiropractor will work towards decreasing excessive weight that may be putting a strain on joint surfaces. 


There are several different types of postural imbalances in the body. Generally there is instability in some joints, and rigidity in other areas that act as a compensation pattern. 

In clinic, we take photos of your posture to show you the key areas of your spine to work on for improving your posture. You’ll be so surprised at the difference in your ‘before and after’ photos after a few weeks!


At your initial consultation we will examine your body as a whole and figure out the exact cause of your poor posture. 

We assess your posture in sitting, standing and lying positions. We look at the curvature throughout the spine, and alignment of each vertebrae.

We work on correcting and improving your posture over the course of regular adjustments as well as recommending changes to how you go about daily activities such as walking, sitting and sleeping. 

While we do love to see our patients come in and visit us for their adjustments, at the end of the day our goal is to see you less because that means you are getting better.

Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is known for consistent and predictable results and changes in posture. 

Prevention and Education:

In order to help you experience results outside of our practice, our team will equip you with knowledge on how to prevent future injuries, give you sound ergonomic advice, as well as prescribe specific rehabilitation exercises just for you.

If you’d like to discuss further, please book an appointment with our chiropractors here.


Neck Pain


Low Back Pain & Sciatica