Pregnancy Care

Congratulations on your pregnancy! This is a precious time, but can come with it’s own set of challenges. At Byron Bay Chiropractic Centre we understand at times pregnancy can be uncomfortable in the body, which is why we are dedicated to helping you with relief, naturally.

Are you experiencing any of the following?:

  • Low back pain

  • Tension in the upper back muscles 

  • Stretching feeling through abdominal muscles

  • Pelvic pain

  • Hip, thigh and buttock ache or sciatica

  • Difficulty with sleeping positions

  • Difficulty exercising or performing daily activities

Common Causes of Discomfort in Pregnancy:

Pregnancy is a time of rapid growth and expansion in the body. Which requires adequate support to ensure that the body is adapting well. Pregnancy discomfort can be caused by shifts in centre of gravity, abdomen growing, weight-bearing through pelvis and sacrum, postural changes, hormones and more. This is why an accurate diagnosis is critical to successful treatment.

  • Pelvis imbalances in sacrum and hips

  • Round ligament imbalance

  • Lumbar spine changes with uterus growing

  • Poor posture (in particular upper body and low back)

  • Prolonged sitting or inactivity

  • Incorrect ergonomic set up

  • Weakness in supporting muscles

  • Previous sporting injuries or physical trauma

  • Poor sleeping positions


The first step in helping you manage and prevent your problem is to ensure we have an accurate diagnosis. We achieve this through a comprehensive clinical history, thorough physical examination including; neurological, orthopedic, and musculoskeletal tests.

Once our team has all the information required to make an accurate diagnosis, we will explain our findings to you in a simple and concise manner. Based on the information we collect, we can then tailor a treatment plan specific to the stage of pregnancy you are in, and goals. Our team is dedicated to helping you manage and pregnancy discomfort in a holistic manner, so you can get back to doing what you love.

 If at any stage we determine that you need to be referred out to another provider we will be sure to find the right people for you.


At Byron Bay Chiropractic Centre  we take a holistic approach to helping your body adapt throughout pregnancy. We focus on the entire neuro-musculo-skeletal system, rather than simply the pain or injury site. This includes the spine as a whole, extremity joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, as well as the nervous system.

We encourage you to come in at any stage of pregnancy. No matter if you’re in the first trimester or the third, we are here to help.

We may employ a variety of Chiropractic techniques to address pregnancy discomfort including:

  • Assessment and treatment of ribs, shoulders, spine, pelvis, sacrum (and more)

  • Pelvis blocking techniques

  • Adjusting tools for alignment

  • Soft tissue therapy and release techniques

  • Exercise ball adjusting

Prevention and education:

In order to help you experience lasting results outside of our practice, our team will equip you with knowledge on how to manage discomfort, prevent future injuries, give you sound ergonomic advice, as well as prescribe specific rehabilitation exercises just for you.

If you’d like to discuss further, please book an appointment with our chiropractors here.


Care for Children


Back Pain