Tongue Tied by Richard Baxter



Tongue-Tied: How a Tiny String Under the Tongue Impacts Nursing, Feeding, Speech, and More is an exhaustive and informative guide to this misunderstood affliction. Along with a team of medical specialists, author Dr. Richard Baxter demystifies tongue-ties and spells out how this condition can be treated comprehensively, safely and comfortably.

Starting with a broad history of tongue-ties, this invaluable guide covers 21st-century assessment techniques and treatment options available for tethered oral tissues. Various accounts of patient challenges and victories are prominently featured as well. With the proper diagnosis and treatment, tethered oral tissues can be released with minimal discomfort, resulting in improvements during nursing, speaking, and feeding, while also reducing the incidence of dental issues, headaches, and even neck pain for children through adults.

Aimed at both parents and professionals, Tongue-Tied encourages those affected while providing reassuring and valuable information. Dr. Baxter and his qualified team have pooled their expertise to make a difference in the lives of people.

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